26 + 26 = 54
[carpman] write once, exception everywhere
[wmat] erection jihad
[mranostay] anyone have any dead bodies they need buried?
[mranostay] purr less hiss more
[av500] open source is mostly ok, unless it has a GUI
[mdp] there are no innocents
[mranostay] make boobs not noobs
[alan_o] dongleboobie
[carpman] I want a harm radio
[mdp] I will decide what is correct
[mranostay] wordplay is the foreplay of swearing
[panto] I invented the question mark!
[mdp] bitcoin vegan stripper groupies
[mranostay] troll to live, live to troll
[mdp] this is very exciting!
[mru] bbb == beer, boobs, bullets
[mranostay] crazy is the new sane
[mdp] c++ is never fun except as a drunken party trick
[mdp] there are no dongle quotes
[mranostay] children need hookers too
[av500] Latex, Mutex, Semtex
[mranostay] I steal wildlife cameras when drunk
[mdp] 3 lesbian women in the same room is a serious revenue opportunity
[mranostay] nobody here has "friends"
[mranostay] where there are boobs there is a way
[mdp] greed is good
[Russ] verilog can either make you feel like a god, or as if you've descended into some horrible hell
[Russ] whatever you do, don't pet the watchcat
[_av500_] I heard denix does it in starterware
[_av500_] pizza is only good in the original Klingon version
* mranostay wonders what canadian porn is like
[mdp] there's nothing I like better than a useless application
[mranostay] I never want to have sex again
* mranostay enjoys fuzzy love
[Crofton] remember, I will deny anything I say in this channel
[panto] facts have a pragmatist bias
[mdp] I prefer it to be utterly terrible
[dm8tbr] great trolls click alike
[_av500_] I'm so scared mranostay might get abducted and sold for parts
* mranostay wants world peace and two hookers
[_av500_] I always lie
[_av500_] excel is the Arduino for suits
[mranostay] troll everything!
* alan_o sleeps in a thong
[mdp] maybe buy some vegans if necessary
[mdp] bootloaders exist to bury bodies
[mranostay] all time zones end in texas
[mdp] rpi and lsd have much in common
[bradfa] the ladies like the verilog
[ds2] there are errors in the truth
[mranostay] you think we are nice here?
[mdp] I was all productive today...then _av500_ happened!
[mdp] nobody ever got fired for blaming the french
[emeb] FSF is like the PETA of tech
[koen] if only I could strangle people through the internet
[koen] rpi is the scientology of hardware
* bradfa loves synergy
[mranostay] portland is a virus
[mdp] you can have SEX with that
[mranostay] omg I love fuzzy people!
[av500] my first computer was a guy I bullied into doing my math homework
[bradfa] MMUs are for pansies
[mranostay] asbestos all things!
* Crofton dresses in asbestos
[emeb] Chocolate trolls - appropriate all year round. A delicious alternative to biting off bunny ears.
[KotH] diodes do not make good sex toys
* mranostay eyes joel_'s liver
[ka6sox] my moose days are over
[canid] I like java and java still hates me
[mranostay] cameras are sex
[prpplague] if DT had a color it would be pink
[kfoltman] js is not a language, it's a set of hacks
[ds2] sanity is madness
[mranostay] to know ubuntu is to know pain
[KotH] what's funny about 222?
[av500] I copy code from GPL projects
[av500] panto: smite him!
[Russ] if gcc is the disappointing girlfriend, g++ must be the bipolar mistress
[mdp] do it do it do it
[mdp] can we get some live ammo to make this interesting?
[_av500_] just burn the place down
[KotH] killing people who eat hersheys is the most fun
[panto] let me bathe in your long-lost misery
[Ahmed_] what does google mean?
[Russ] my clock goes to 13
[_av500_] somebody is confused on the internet
[bradfa] I want a pony that doesn't require perl
[ds2] thou shalt refrain from using systemd
[panto] sanity is not our strong point
[PeteVA] I have the codes
* kfoltman is a non-XML parent
[mdp] rome is churning
[KotH] ARGHH! A datasheet in FRENCH!
[av500] I hate everything
[pb__] souls are for the weak.
[KotH] chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! chocolate!
[jkridner] why do I have to be the mom?
[MILO1234] okay whats a vim?
[bradfa] javascript doesn't deserve to be learned
[bradfa] the internet of arses?
[ka6sox] we aim to please....or at least confuse
[av500] the bone moves in mysterious ways
* mranostay loves fuzzy people
[panto] less jihad, more boobies
[av500] trolls are real
[mranostay] oh baby bitbang me one more time
[bradfa] backstabbing is fun
[SpeedEvil] I went sane once. [SpeedEvil] It wasn't pleasant.
[_av500_] you kill it, we distill it
[mranostay] we have enough quotes for everything now don't we?
[myself] wow, I'm lost
* panto blows up the Eiffel tower
[bradfa] I tell people I have friends on the Internet. They ask me why.
[ka6sox] I always knew JavaScript was a gateway drug
[SpeedEvil] I'm a unicorn Pope
[av500] I can declare an emergency friday if needed
[av500] the problem with Linux is that user space has no Linus [suihkulokki] Andy Rubin did a good job of being a userspace Linus
[av500] deep fried mice
[KotH] chocolate is my FREEEEEEDOOOOOOM!
[_av500_] I sin therefore I am
[emeb] three beers define a plane?
[mdp] fex was created on a monday
[mdp] weird, an outdated wiki
* ka6sox pops ds2 off the stack
[mranostay] you needed to sprinkle Bud Light around the good beer [mranostay] like salt to vampires.. germans can't cross a stream of bad beer
[_av500_] mranostay: shut up and get drunk
[windu] I am running Windows 8. Do you think it is a power supply issue?
[georgem] it's like killing kittens. something ubuntu would do
[panto] quick, hide the bears
[ka6sox] hurt me baby, make me compile on a beaglebone
[mdp] kanging shall set you free
[KotH] how is that related to kebab?
[ynezz] beerbios
[mdp] we live to offend
[panto] we're all dead and came back as trolls
[PRU_EVTOUT_2] pffft...books? true knowledge comes from irc
[shapr] I like BOTH kinds of microcontrollers, ARM and AVR!
[KotH] there is a lot more to programming than just style and syntax
[panto] linux is not a real time OS, and linus smells of elderberries
[mranostay] javascript is the fountain of youth
[CareBear\] the dude abides [CareBear\] trolls don't abide
[mrpackethead] what the h... is 26-26-54
[Shadyman] I shall dual-wield soldering irons and it shall be glorious
[Guest38364] is it necessary to know arm instructions or can it be done by porting
[RPisces] Ok, so I want to compile C++ code on my beagleboard. Is there a way to use visual studio, or should I just do this with netbeans?
[mranostay] porn has nudity I'm told
[bradfa] shotguns, we need GPIO shotguns
[mru] torvalds shaves
[mdp] can we please stay off topic?
[av500] ban assault printers!
[prpplague] "yo mama is so fat and big, she makes jkridner cloud9 code look small"
[mdp] don't *you* get all numerical with me
[mdp] octotrollbsdcopters
[mranostay] now we are getting silly
[mdp] the crystal ball has more details at conferences with drinks
[alan_o] two trolls guard two sets of exact steps. One always tells the truth, the other is mranostay
[av500] I like öppls
[funman] I don't want to miss an occasion to appear in a fortunes update
[mranostay] need to bitbang something
* mranostay notes this channel is extra random today
[mdp] google google google google
[_av500_] I want the above quote out of context!!
[av500] do I look like a TRM to you?
[mdp] Guest18322, please state your question! [mdp] helpdesk:~> _
[_av500_] I'll do the bludgeoning
[funman] one does not simply read fenrir's code
[mdp] quit trying to confuse me with the facts
[_av500_] some people are wrong
[mranostay] I could use a shot of mercury right now
* mranostay does the ds2 dance
[spaam] kill it with 9!
* mranostay waves guns and beer bottles in the air
[funman] french ought to be enough for everyone
[LetoThe2nd] I just do not feel like repeating. I am a sandworm, not a jukebox!
[_av500_] aholler: you are not a toaster
Vertical alignment is overrated. -- Diego Biurrun
[DonDiego] you're the wrong kind of lazy - you are short-term lazy instead of long-term
[LetoThe2nd] the holy trinity: RMS, RMK, RMA
[robclark] I code, therefore I am
[mdp] anything that's worthwhile doing can be done by bitbanging gpio
[LetoThe2nd] I am totally convinced I would have made a great gay guy. Too bad I am not gay.
[_av500_] ubuntu is a deaf, dumb and blind kid
[mdp] when all you have is a kernel module... [av500] everything looks like an ioctl
[av500] linux is just a gpio driver with side effects
[LetoThe2nd] not exactly pyromaniac. I just like destroying things.
[LetoThe2nd] live fast, troll hard
[badezucker] ubuntu is like having a maid who doesn't speak my language. wants to be helpful. gets in the way.
[_av500_] submarines for everybody \o/
[koen] javascript: write once, lose respect everywhere
[koen] git clown
[_av500_] the devil is just a bunch of registers
[XorA] dumba dumba dumba dumba [ogra_] boom boom boom boom [LetoThe2nd] bawooooooooosh
[therealpro] so who here is actually a professional embedded systems engineer?
[_av500_] badger badger badger badger?
* _av500_ can't do 5 seconds without bacon
* koen wonders how kosher ham radio is
* _av500_ imagines a murder case which is dimissed because the guy was shot in mpeg4
[woglinde] why is there no koen for panda?
[av500] france is porn
[cartman] av500: nice balls
[Sean_McG] beer is love
[Sean_McG] you people are silly
[av500] I rarely joke
* emeb wonders if there's some sort of "development system collector's self-help" group
[koen] people who use the word 'port' in this channel ususally don't know what google is
* gnafu realizes that if we rename "race condition" to "ethnicity condition", removal of such could be referred to as "ethnic cleansing".
* nhg thinks av500 is a lot taller in real life than he is on IRC
* av500 wants kierank in a box
[lu_zero] evil is the new nice
[av500] ogg-bink -> .oink
[spaam] never check the mail
[robclark] it is all controlled by z-order
[peloverde] show me on the doll where fate touched you
[peloverde] I don't think I have enough LSD to look at ogg right now
[BBB] that's fair theft!
[BBB] windows makes babies cry
[ds2] OMG, it is infested with ubuntu!!
[tonu] cockporn
[peloverde] Apparently BBB has no class
[LetoThe2nd] aamallaahaamallaahaaaawallawallabingbong...
[av500] italy has only one true op
* elenril summons reviews * av500 reviews summons
[MrNaz] my underpantaloons are currently rocking
* dalias wonders if antignostic is a word
[av500] elsie always picks the *other* guy
[av500] alt.bizarre.ffmpeg-devel
[ohsix] it's not porn until someone sees it :D [Compn] schrodinger porn
* _av500_ watches "how to fork your own upstream"
* orbarron is not doing videos!!!
[saintdev] omgomgomgzomg!
[elenril] fast code is overrated
[kierank] in the beginning god created a ts file
[mmu] autofools burn in hell
[TypX] French are evil [geal] French are sexy [ILEoo] French are ponies
[Tjoppen] japp, svenska är det official ffspråket
[ds2] LCDs are huge shift registers with side effects
[Crofton] urg [koen] sweeeeeeeet
[trem] nite all, sweet dreams
[k3nt] just asking so I can get amusing answers...
[av500] woglinde: for the record: "aldi never sold dm37xx with a buy one get one free scheme"
* djlewis_ likes fridays on tuesdays and all other days too
* av500 prefers wikileeks
[cwillu_at_work] djlewis_, can I run crysis under wine on a beagle with angstrom? or do I need to port android first?
[av500] coolness is in the fingertip of the beholder
[j-b] java is hell
[dm8tbr] beer + pizza = 54!
[j-b] please use brain, if possible
Engineering is what you do after the product breaks. -- Jason Kridner
* av500 puts a memory barrier around KotH
[_av500_] tell your supervisor to give you a proper project
[cartman] my fate is green
[iive] ok, maybe we should stop talking about fox news. [kierank] talk about the software equivalent, that is xiph
* Lobs ponders how he could "top post" on irc.
* kshishkov is suspicious about alphabet juices
[impulze] anyone here good with asking meta questions?
[janneg] it's either DonDiego or a bot. it complained about trailing whitespace and tabs
[microchip_] bring back Gabu!
[cartman] thank god we have pr0n anyway
[av500] 54!
[DonDiego] this is the most trollish, out-of-context misquote i have heard in years..
[merbzt] we like drama
[koen] I think I'm going to port ffmpeg to beagle C4
koen rule #3: try and find out
[jamuraa] I wonder if it's theoritically possible to run Android without linux [av500] theoritically possible [av500] yes [koen] hurdroid [koen] anhurd [av500] turdroid [koen] andraris [koen] soldroid [koen] anbsdroid [av500] windroid [av500] loldroid [av500] notthedroidyouarelookingfor [koen] andorrhoid [emeb] koen wins
[funman] in a fight between Linus Torvalds and Michael Niedermayer, who would win?
[funman] we'll celebrate it by drinking the blood of quicktime users
[av500] damn, rain is picking up 3db every 5minutes...
I don't recommend Torvalds' version of Linux. -- RMS
[av500] all hail Zorder!
[Dark_Shikari] I-- I didn't do this for y-you. I just h-had some extra asm lying around, th-that's all.
[koen] oh dear, I'm in http://26-26-54.hardwarebug.org/ [koen] that must mean I'm a professional now
[+elenril] inb4 someone quotes this
[_av500_] koen: ti codec hunter? [_av500_] they come out at dusk to transcode [_av500_] on2 is easy to spot, it sheds white papers left and right
[koen] _av500_ knows *it*
* av500 officially announces: FRIDAY!
[barque] ARM sucks [barque] I used an ARM9 in my EDP [barque] slow as all hell
[KotH] BastyCDGS: have you ever heard of the pdp-11? [BastyCDGS] pdp-11? no
[BastyCDGS] what do you mean with moog synth exactly?
[Brokie] i never said I didn't KNOW about the halting problem [Brokie] i said [Brokie] I've never experienced it
Troll Driven Development
* elenril thinks ogg was designed for unreliable minds
* elenril forbids any holes
[djlewis_] Macs and mushrooms
* av500 wants a powdered hub
[elenril] kill first, send patches later
[_av500_] run the code downhill
[courmisch] hey, why *my* jokes don't go to fortunes
[KotH] chocolate is serious business!
[_koen_] did david lynch design xbmc?
[derf] 0 is equivalent to 1.
[funman] ./ worthy news: i can encode into the lego adpcm format! [av500] ah, this is why I overheard my son mentioning ffmpeg to the other kids in the sandbox...
[av500] memory leeks?
[koen] memcpy is murder